FLOWCHART - блок-схема - data flowchart - detail flowchart - instruction flowchart - logical flowchart - logic flowchart - macro flowchart - …. FLOWCHART - блок-схема - data flowchart - detail flowchart - instruction flowchart - logical flowchart - logic flowchart - macro flowchart - operations flowchart - outline flowchart - programming flowchart - program …. FLOWCHART - блок-схема detail flowchart instruction flowchart outline flowchart program flowchart programming flowchart structure flowchart. - data flowchart - program flowchart - structural flowchart - system flowchart. - data flowchart - program flowchart - structural flowchart - …. FLOWCHART - блок-схема data flowchart detail flowchart instruction flowchart logical flowchart macro flowchart operations flowchart outline flowchart programming flowchart structure flowchart system …. #SIMUTECH TROUBLESHOOTING FLOWCHART PC#
The flowchart will show …Įnglish Glossary of Internet and PC Terminology FLOWCHART - A Flowchart is a diagram that is produced to show the steps in a particular process.FLOWCHART - An archaic form of visual control-flow specification employing arrows and `speech balloons' of various shapes.Telecommunication Standard Terms English vocab FLOWCHART - A graphical representation in which symbols are used to represent such things as operations, data, flow direction, and equipment, ….Graphical representation of a process, such as a manufacturing operation or a computer operation, indicating the various steps taken … FLOWCHART - flow diagram - a diagram which shows the stages of a process.FLOWCHART - flow|chart BrE AmE ˈfləʊ |tʃɑːt AmE ˈfloʊ |tʃɑːrt ▷ flow|charted tʃɑːt ɪd -əd AmE tʃɑːrt̬ əd ▷ flow|charting tʃɑːt ɪŋ ….FLOWCHART - graphical representation of a process, such as a manufacturing operation or computer operation, indicating the various steps that are taken ….
FLOWCHART - n (1920): a diagram that shows step-by-step progression through a procedure or system esp. Merriam-Webster's Collegiate English vocabulary FLOWCHART - noun Date: 1920 : a diagram that shows step-by-step progression through a procedure or system especially using connecting lines and …. diagram which details the movement and operations performed within a system FLOWCHART - Graphical representation of a process, such as a manufacturing operation or a computer operation, indicating the various steps taken as …. FLOWCHART - noun Date: 1920 a diagram that shows step-by-step progression through a procedure or system especially using connecting lines and a …. More meanings of this word and English-Russian, Russian-English translations for the word «FLOWCHART» in dictionaries. English-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation.